Reframing Societal Issues through an Hierarchical Metaphysic
Amidst the postmodern rejection of any claim to objective validity, how can the ACNA respond in a loving manner to contentious social issues like homosexuality, gender confusion, racial tensions, and political correctness, in accordance with the rich, catholic, and...
Review of Sonoran Storm
As I listened to Nokuthula Ngwenyama’s “Sonoran Storm” for solo viola, I was immediately struck with both a sense of aversion and pleasant satisfaction. Upon further listenings, I grew to appreciate various aspects of the piece and realized that my seemingly...
The Musical Vision of Johann Hamann
Various religious traditions would define music as a manifestation of the harmony of the cosmos and the contingency of all things. Therefore, song joins together speech (itself a mediation of “heaven” and “earth”) and music: a marriage of the divine and human, the...

Matthew Wilkinson
Organist, Pianist, Conductor, Arranger, Recording Artist
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