Matthew Wilkinson
Recording Artist
Matthew Wilkinson, an American organist based in Charleston, SC, made history at age 22 as the youngest Music Director at St. Michael’s Anglican Church, the oldest church in Charleston, where he developed a thriving choral program and led performances of renowned works such as Bach’s *Magnificat* and Vivaldi’s *Gloria*. He holds a piano performance degree from Lee University and pursued further studies in Germany and Texas. Matthew has performed internationally, including at the Roquevaire International Organ Festival in France, and is currently completing his DMA in Organ Performance while serving as Music Director at St. Michael’s.
Matthew Wilkinson is an American organist, residing in Charleston, SC. At the age of 22 he was appointed as the youngest music director in the history of St. Michael’s Anglican Church, the oldest church in Charleston, South Carolina (1751). There he served for six years as organist and choirmaster and had the privilege of developing a thriving choral program, starting a concert series, and performing orchestral works such as Bach’s Magnificat and Vivaldi’s Gloria. Before moving to Charleston, he received a performance degree in piano from Lee University in Cleveland TN, where he was awarded the school’s prestigious Instrumental Performance Award and Presser Scholarship. After serving as music director in Charleston, he pursued his Master’s degree at the Hochschule für Musik, Freiburg. His teachers have included: Matthias Maierhofer, David Franke, and Vincent Dubois, and he has participated in lessons and masterclasses with Daniel Roth, Ullrich Böhme, Guy Bovet and Robert Hill (cembalo). He has performed concerts in Steinfeld, Glauchau, Frauenstein, Stoermthal, Freiburg, Naumburg, Metten, and Memmingen, Germany, was an artist in the Roquevaire International Organ Festival in France, and a semi-finalist in the International Franz Schmidt Organ Competition. After completing his master’s degree, he moved to Denton Texas to pursue his DMA in organ at the University of North Texas under Dr. Jesse Eschbach, and served as the organist at Christ Church Cathedral, Plano. He is currently back in Charleston, South Carolina, working as music director at St. Michael’s while simultaneously working to finish his doctorate in Texas.
Matthew Wilkinson ist ein Konzertkünstler aus Charleston, South Carolina. Im Alter von 22 Jahren wurde er zum jüngsten Musikdirektor in der Geschichte der St. Michael’s Anglican Church, der ältesten Kirche in Charleston, South Carolina, ernannt (1751). Dort war er sechs Jahre lang als Organist und Chorleiter tätig und hatte das Privileg, ein blühendes Chorprogramm zu entwickeln, eine Konzertreihe zu starten und Orchesterwerke wie Bachs Magnificat und Vivaldis Gloria aufzuführen. Bevor er nach Charleston zog, erhielt er einen Abschluss in Klavier an der Lee University in Cleveland TN, wo er mit dem renommierten Instrumental Performance Award und dem Presser-Stipendium der Schule ausgezeichnet wurde. Nachdem er als Musikdirektor in Charleston gearbeitet hatte, zog er nach Freiburg, Deutschland, um sein Orgelstudium fortzusetzen und die Möglichkeit zu haben, historische Instrumente zu spielen. Er gab Konzerte in Steinfeld, Glauchau, Frauenstein, Störmthal, Freiburg, Naumburg, Metten und Memmingen, Deutschland, war Künstler beim Internationalen Orgelfestival Roquevaire in Frankreich und Halbfinalist beim Internationalen Franz-Schmidt-Orgelwettbewerb. Nach Abschluss seines Masterstudiums zog er nach Denton, Texas, um seinen DMA in Orgel an der University of North Texas bei Dr. Jesse Eschbach zu machen und diente als Organist an der Christ Church Cathedral in Plano. Derzeit ist er zurück in Charleston, South Carolina, wo er als Musikdirektor am St. Michael’s arbeitet und gleichzeitig in Texas an der Fertigstellung seiner Doktorat arbeitet.

Matthew Wilkinson
Organist, Pianist, Conductor, Arranger, Recording Artist
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